Wallowa Resources:
Innovates to address complex problems, often starting at a local level and then scaling up as appropriate. This includes innovations in partnerships, in organizational structure and program governance, in renewable energy, natural resource management, education, and more. We combine local knowledge with the latest research. Creative problem solving and experimentation is vital to the advancement of durable land and water stewardship and economic development.
Incubates new ideas — we commit to testing, nurturing, revising and improving new concepts in our communities. We share these lessons with other communities and partners.
Implements unique and ambitious programs on the ground, and provides much needed additional, effective, and efficient capacity to rural communities. We get things done.
We reach out to everyone - landowners, policy makers, tribes, universities, and families, because we accomplish more by working together.
“Stewardship work involves continuous learning on the ground. It’s the sort of learning that involves your head, heart, and hands.”