Sarah Isbitz

Grant Writer & Development Manager

Sarah grew up in New England. After completing her bachelor's degree in American Studies at Georgetown, she settled on the West Coast, ultimately finding her way to Oregon in her 20s, where she studied Urban and Regional Planning at Portland State and earned her Master's degree. She has always had an attraction to the natural environment, first as a cross-country runner in high school and later as she explored hiking and camping throughout Oregon. Her professional work in real estate development and project management eventually led her to architecture and park design. But it was her involvement on the board of the Salmonberry Trail Foundation when her love of the natural beauty of Oregon began to grow. Since then, her work has become more involved with her passion for the outdoors and natural resources, ultimately bringing her to Wallowa County. Combined with strong values in community and connection to the land, she's excited to lend her skills and passion to Wallowa Resources. She lives in Portland and looks forward to visiting the county to deepen relationships with the team and the community. You'll find her hiking, spending time outdoors and with friends, doing yoga and Pilates in her spare time. She also loves to work with her hands, sewing or knitting as a way to express her creativity.
