Healthy Economies
Maintain and create natural resource-based jobs in Wallowa County and the intermountain West. Increase economic value of forest and agriculture lands to lessen incentives to convert to other uses.
Working Landscapes
Maintain and enhance working landscapes to sustain ecological function and condition, and production possibility frontiers.
Learning Opportunities
Invest in education, knowledge, skills and policies for continuous improvement in the practice of land and community stewardship.
Lasting Relationships
Invigorate community relationships within Wallowa County and across intermountain West. Build state and national partnerships to support the advancement of the stewardship economy model.
In the coming year we will continue to support large landscape forest and rangeland restoration initiatives, expand outdoor educational programming for our youth, double our paid workforce training opportunities, explore micro-grid technology to produce local power for local use, and launch a new affordable workforce housing initiative.
Our history and legacy has benefited from a broad range of support over the past 28 years. Realizing the opportunities in front of us requires sustained support from donors like you. Please consider making a year end gift to Wallowa Resources to help us maintain this momentum in 2024.